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Для знающих буржуйского языка - маленькая радость.

Lexter: The tanks were rattling like a thunder The soldiers went to final fight And here they carried young commander With head all broken outright His tank was hit with armor-piercer So say good-bye to Guardian crew Just four more corpses in the hillside Will add to fair morning view ’Cause now the vehicle is a-burning Wait for the shells to detonate You wanna live to see this morning But you’re too weak and it’s too late So they’ll extract you from the remains They’ll put your coffin on the clay And fire & thunder from the mainguns Will see you into your last way For now the telegrames are flying To tell the friends and relatives That their good son is never coming And never getting any leave And there’s that photo on the bookshelf Collecting dust for years on end - In uniform, with shoulder-boards on... And he will never be her man. (C)translated by Danila Vorobyev

Ответов - 11

Аэни: ???А для не знающих??? Не на самом деле красиво!

Аэни: Stop on, hey you train, Let your wheels don’t be knocking... Conductor, press-down the stop-machine! I’m hurrying to my mother With last congratulations And now by her eyes I should be seen. Don’t wait for me mother, Your son is not a good son, Your son will never be the same... Today I’ve been sucked By dirty bog of danger And now all my life is like a game. Stop on, hey you train, Let your wheels don’t be knocking... It’s now time to look eyes fortune’s in... Until it is not late For making stopping station, Conductor, press-down the stop-machine! Вот!!!!

Khaion: Мо-ощно!!! Давай жги ищщо!!!

Lexter: Для Аэни: А зачем оно не знающим? «Just four more corpses in the hillside Will add to fair morning view.» Жутко нравицца.8)

Аэни: Незнающим оно все и всегда надо! Для чего они и не знают, ониж незнающие! Я еще такой текстик нашла: Am E Am Now I tell tНe story Нow all tНis Нappened. A7 Dm Murka was tНe girl and girl allrigНt. Dm Am And in our district everybody missed Нer E Am WНen sНe was arrested late at nigНt. Once we went on business, me and RabinovicН, TНen we dropped at nearest restaurant-Нall. TНere was Murka sitting witН Tommy, bloody bastard, And sНe Нad a brouning, black and small. First we wonna-gonna ’cause we were alone, But suddenly a revenge came to mind. In tНe dirty park-lines, wНere tНe people drink wine, Our lovely Murka, you sНall die. Нow do you do, my Murka? Нow do you do, my darling? Нow do you do, my darling, and goodbye... You was sold forever all our malina And it is a reason you must die. RabinovicН fired, but Нe missed of target. Me was tНat wНo made a little sНot. I was brougНt to doctor but RabinovicН, sterva, Quickly took tНe girl to drink on spot. Blacky voronocНek, and my Нeart is crying, And my Нeart is crying in tНe nigНt. In tНe dirty park-lines wНere tНe people drink wine Murka’s body lying still but fine... Даже с аккордами!

Retran de Larten: Мяф!!! ;))) Особенно про танкистов ;)

Стикс: классно! http://www.hutor.ru/video/files/fuck%5b1%5d.swf я плакал

Аэни: Стикс Клевая штука...хи-хи P.S. только что узнала как отоброжается истерика на мониторе: «ерщхкт ыуфце5щ ФОЛжшоа54Н7ОЛЛДВП175ЫВЛЛДООЛДЩЗГН5766ф лПЗЕПОХЖБ Т МПАДТЬ 456» И КАК БОНУС ЗАПАДАЮЩИЕ КНОПКИ

Стикс: Ну дык

Дед Хлорка: Ой, я тут случайно пробегал из любопытства... Думал помощь нужна. Но вижу у вас все олрайт и веривел . Гудбайте май дарлинги. П.Сссссс. А на курсы квенья я таки схожу.ЭЭЭэээээ (.Может кто страничку на квенья откроет млин, дык апазоришся, што ни разу ни грамотный.)

Аэни: Класно частушки на английском звучат.... Fish in thick tomato sauce Swims in happy comatose Only me, pathetic whimp Have no fucking place to swim? Down the river drifts an axe From the town of Byron. Let it float by itself- Fucking piece of iron!!!

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